现任中国翻译协会会员 曾任联合国国际劳工组织驻瑞士日内瓦会议同声传译 中非合作论坛商务部分论坛同传 2006第15届卡塔尔多哈亚运会亚组委同传译员 现就读于中国政法大学在职法学硕士研究生 北京外国语大学高级翻译学院同声传译硕士(由北大英语系保送) 北京大学英语语言文学系学士 北京大学中国经济研究中心(CCER) 经济学学士 已获人事部英语翻译专业资格二级口译证书(2005.11) 已获人事部英语翻译专业资格二级笔译证书(2005.11) 已获教育部外语翻译资格考试中级口译资格证书(2004.10) 已获教育部外语翻译资格考试初级笔译资格证书(2004.5) 已获教育部外语翻译资格考试初级口译资格证书(2004.5) 全国英语专业八级; 曾涉足的翻译领域包括: 政治,财政,法律,通讯技术,纺织,建筑,飞机制造,汽车,矿业,IT, 特种化工,空调技术,煤炭,铁合金,包装,建筑,房地产,教育,传媒,演出,旅游,历史,体育等; 曾合作单位及公司包括: 联合国发展署(UNDP),国际劳工组织(ILO),奥组委(IOC),全球环境基金(GEF),国际货币基金组织(IMF),中华人民共和国财政部,文化部,商务部,建设部,中国贸促会,国家海洋局, 澳大利亚驻华大使馆,中国建筑设计研究院北京大学,伦敦投资局(Think London),德意志银行(Deutsche Bank),宝嘉华集团(Belgravia),劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce),索尼(SONY),宜家(IKEA),迪士尼(Disney),波音公司(Boeing), 标致(Peugeot),道达尔(Total),中石化(Sinopec),CBS,西门子(Simens),惠普(HP)等; 近期相关翻译经验 1、金融类翻译 2007.1 国务院参事办公室关于“中国改革开放成就”讲座翻译; 2007.1 财政部财政金融研究所关于“中国的税收制度”讲座翻译; 2007. 1 德意志银行2007年“概念中国”年会同传; 2007.1 Goldman-Sachs(高盛)全球分析会议视频会议同传; 2006.10 国际金融协会(IIF)亚洲首席执行官峰会同传; 2006.10 <<商学院>>培训研究中心高端论坛财务风格与领导力讲座翻译; 2006.10 伦敦证交所高增长板上市(AIM)讲座及研讨会同传; 2006.10 中石化主办,美国休斯敦大学资源EMBA班同传; 2006.7 食品零售行业投资分析论坛同传; 2006.5 公用事业高峰论坛同传; 2006.4 IMF(国际货币基金组织)驻华专家翻译; 2006.4.17 财政部与IMF(国际货币基金组织)主办“国库单一账户和现金管理国际研讨会”翻译; 2006.3.28 美国SOX法案对中国上市公司影响及对策研讨会同声翻译; 2006.2.27-3.2 德意志银行“概念中国”大会国际金融分析师翻译; 2005.11.29 中国贸促会(CCPIT)“亚洲国家工商界人员研修班”翻译; 2005.9 第三届“亚洲经济共同体”高水平国际研讨会同声翻译; 2005.4 宝嘉华中国集团(The Belgravia Group China)投资项目翻译; 2004.8.20 中非经贸合作洽谈会翻译(塞拉利昂驻华大使馆主办); 2002.5 福建企业与尼日利亚政府合作在尼投资项目谈判口译; 2、商务类翻译 2006.11 中德政府间“企业社会责任”合作项目会谈翻译; 2006.11 美国国家橄榄球联盟NFL赴中国商业调研同传; 2006. 10 Milward Brown 客户忠诚度市场研讨会同传; 2006.9 2006年度杰出商业领袖奖颁奖典礼同传; 2006.8 商务部主办“加勒比国家贸易促进洽谈会”翻译; 2006.8 宝洁公司洗衣用品市场调研翻译; 2006.8 尼日利亚商务代表团访华同传; 2006.7 中国贸促会主办波多黎各商务代表团访华同声翻译; 2006.4 吉大德固赛高性能聚合物(长春)有限公司开幕及剪彩仪式英文主持及翻译; 2006.4 索尼(SONY)公司培训项目翻译; 2006.4.10 伦敦投资局“伦敦在中国——双向投资洽谈会”及伦敦市长访华同声翻译; 2006.2.22 太阳国际集团会奖旅游产品推介会同声翻译; 2005.12 Gemini真脉无线通讯有限技术公司材料笔译; 2005.12 劳斯莱斯公司(Rolls-Royce)新闻发布会翻译; 2005.11.18“中澳FTA矿业研讨会”翻译; 2005.10 TNS公司IT/电信研讨会同声翻译; 2005.10 《世界经理人》杂志专访翻译; 2005.8 德国特种化工Degussa公司新闻发布会翻译; 2005.5 中青传媒有限公司(CYM)商务谈判翻译; 2005.2 瑞典宜家家居(IKEA)传媒公司北京会谈同声翻译; 2004.11 日本索尼公司(SONY)下属索尼探梦乐园英语培训项目翻译; 2002.10 香港冠海房地产集团北京太阳宫建筑项目口译; 2004.3 美国最大面料生产商艾美侨集团(Amicale Industries)在石家庄合资项目考察中总裁翻译; 2003.11 印度Fenner集团公司汽车用皮带中方翻译; 2003.8 新加坡国立文化传播公司文化光盘资料翻译; 3 IT及工业技术类翻译 2007.3 NetApp服务器及解决方案销售培训会议同传; 2007.3 中荷合作项目“新农村与可再生能源国际研讨会”同传; 2007.3 IIC国际集成电路大会同传; 2007.3 中国天然气公司投资者见面会翻译; 2007.2 UGS公司亚太地区技术及销售年会同传; 2007.1 空能局&华夏空能机械研究所空气发动机项目翻译; 2006.12 中石化与美国休斯敦大学合作“石油管理MBA”课程同传; 2006.11 惠普(HP)公司员工内部培训会议同声翻译; 2006.11 卫生部及美国雅培制药公司(Abbot)关于医疗设备,药品检测研讨会同传; 2006.11 IDC公司亚太区IT架构前景论坛2006—驾驭服务导向型架构和虚拟技术同传; 2006.10 西门子公司(SIMENS)中国大趋势发展论坛同传; 2006.10 法国道达尔(Total)石油天然气公司会议同传; 2006.10 2006年中国国际网络文化高峰论坛同传; 2006.10 标致(Peugeot)2006年新车发布会及标致中国网络经销商大会同传; 2006.10 第四届飞机组装与维护大会同传; 2006.9 金融投资分析峰会(通信和半导体行业)同传; 2006.9 红帽(Redhat)2006年开源软件及虚拟化大会广州站同传; 2006.9 欧盟-中国电子电器产品利用大会同传; 2006.9 红帽(Redhat)2006年开源软件及虚拟化大会北京站同传; 2006.9 2006年国际供电会议同传; 2006.9 GASEX2006国际燃气大会同传; 2006.8 北京奥组委与美国马里兰州技术代表团会谈同传; 2006.8 A.O.史密斯电热水器媒体专访同传; 2006.8 “2006开源中国,开源世界”中国开源软件国际研讨会同传; 2006.6 建筑三维协同设计国际研讨会同声翻译; 2006.5 欧洲Continental商用机轮胎生产商中国会议翻译; 2006.5 铁路技术调配会议材料翻译; 2006.5 2006年铁合金国际会议同声翻译; 2006.4 CIMG(中国矿业企业工作组)环境研讨会同声翻译; 2006.3.30 中国空调技术与环保责任研讨会同声翻译; 2005.11.8-9 联合国发展署/全球环境基金/国家海洋局主办“中国南海生物多样性项目启动仪式及第一次指导委员会会议”同声翻译; 2005.10 上海国际纺织面料博览会翻译; 2005.8 中国硅业国际研讨年会同声翻译; 2005.5 2005年国际铁合金研讨会同声翻译; 4、国际会议类翻译 2007.5 中艺博国际画廊博览会新媒体论坛同传; 2007.1 美国奥克拉荷马州自治区政府主席访问中国同传; 2007.1 美国哈佛大学教授“成功心理学”及人力资源管理课程同传; 2007.1 “绿色和平组织”反捕鲸及保护森林项目翻译; 2006.12 弗兰克林管理学院MBA课程材料翻译; 2006.12 北京大学医学部禽流感调查情况翻译; 2006.12 荷兰大使馆主办Volume 杂志中文版创刊号发布会翻译; 2006.11-12 2006第十五届卡塔尔多哈亚运会同声翻译; 2006.11 公安部及英中协会主办“中国警察和刑事诉讼改革”研讨会翻译; 2006.11 “留住美好自然,成就绿色中国”项目启动仪式及新闻发布会同传; 2006.11 麦当劳首届中国“热汉堡”大赛同传; 2006.10 CBS Outdoor商业谈判同传; 2006.10 中非合作论坛非洲参会人员培训班翻译; 2006.10 第二届女性体育文化论坛同传; 2006.10 2006年“世界未来500强”国际论坛同传;; 2006.10 第十四届世界生产力大会同传; 2006.9 “中国杰出商业领袖奖”颁奖仪式同传; 2006.8 创造学与创新国际研讨会同传; 2006.8 中国转基因水稻生态农业国际研讨会同传; 2006.7 Sino Ore铁矿石开采技术国际研讨会同传; 2006.6 美国马铃薯协会杰出推广大奖及市场研讨会同传; 2006.5 联合国国际劳工组织驻瑞士日内瓦会议同声翻译; 2006.4 中国自主品牌人物及中小企业谋略研讨会同声翻译; 2006.4 欧盟培训项目“中国村民自治国际研讨会”翻译; 2005.7 2005年度高校国际学术研讨会同声翻译; 2005.7 北京大学国际MBA与美国西点军校(West Point)座谈会同声翻译; 2006.3.9 环太平洋大学联盟(APRU)暨中国高等教育论坛同声翻译; 2005.11.17 北京大学开放式教育(CORE)论坛同声翻译; 2005.11.16-17 第二届“北京论坛”历史分论坛同声翻译; 2005.11.9 北京大学生就业指导中心讲座翻译; 2004.8 首届世界风筝小姐大赛总决赛翻译; 2004.7 美国迪士尼(Disney)百年冰上巡演北京站翻译; 2004.6 加拿大温尼伯Winnipeg皇家芭蕾舞团访华演出双语主持兼翻译; 2004.5 俄罗斯柴科夫斯基交响乐团访华演出及指挥费德耶夫翻译; 2004.4 文化业:中国对外演出公司(CPAA)翻译,第四届“相约北京”暨第二届北京国际戏剧演出季开幕式音乐剧《猫》在中国演出期间翻译; Zhang Yuanyuan (Flora) Simultaneous Interpreter Member of China Association of Translators and Interpreters SI for UN International Labor Organization in Geneva, Swisszerland; Interpreter for 15th Qatar Doha Asian Games,2006; Graduate student in Law in China University of Political Science and Law M.A. in Simultaneous Interpretation, School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University(recommended by PKU) B.A. in English Literature, English Department, Peking University B.A. in Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University Qualification Certificate of Translation Proficiency (Second Level Interpreter) issued by Ministry of Personnel of PRC, 2005.11; Qualification Certificate of Translation Proficiency (Second Level Translator) issued by Ministry of Personnel of PRC,2005.11; Qualified interpreter with Certificate of Middle Level Interpreter issued by Ministry of Education of PRC,2004.10; Qualified interpreter with Certificate of Junior Level Interpreter issued by Ministry of Education of PRC,2004.5; Qualified interpreter with Certificate of Junior Level Translator issued by Ministry of Education of PRC,2004.5; Area: Politics, Law, Finance, Economy, Telecommunication, Textile, Architecture, Mine, IT, Chemistry, Coal, Ferroalloy, Real Estate, Education, Media, Tourism, History, Sports,etc. Organizations or companies that worked for: UNDP, UN, ILO, GEF, IMF, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Architecture, CCPIT, NASA, Australia Embassy, West Point, Peking University, Think London, Deutsche Bank, Belgravia, Rolls-Royce, Sony, Ikea, Disney, Peugeot, Simens, HP, Total, etc. Translation and Interpretation 1 Finance 2007.1 SI of State Council Office about “The Achievement of China’s Reform”; 2007.1 SI of Ministry of Treasury research institute about “Taxation System in China”; 2007.1 SI of Deutsche Bank “2007 Concept China” annual meeting; 2007.1 SI of Goldman-Sachs International Investment Analysis video conference; 2006.10 SI of London Stock Exchange AIM market lecture; 2006.10 SI of IIF Asian Chief CEO Summit; 2006.10 <<Business Magazine>>Financial Style and Leadership Seminar Interpreter; 2006.10 SI of Sinopec and University of Houston Resources EMBA 2006 Spring 2006.7 SI of Food and Retailing industry investment seminar; 2006.5 SI of Public Facility International Seminar; 2006.4 Interpreter of IMF in China; 2006.4.17 SI of Treasury Single Account and Cash Management International Seminar held by MOF and IMF; 2006.3.28 SI of seminar on SOX act’s impact to China listed company; 2006.2-3 SI of Deutsche Bank “Concept China” annual meeting in 2006; 2005.11.29 Interpreter for China Committee for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) “Training program for Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Asian Countries”; 2005.9 SI of the 3rd High Level Conference of Asia Economic Community; 2005.4 Interpreter for The Belgravia Group China; 2004.8.20 Interpreter for Sino-African Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum; 2 Business 2006.11 Chinese and Germany Governmental cooperation project “Corporate Social Responsibility” SI; 2006.11 American NFL(National Football League) market research SI; 2006.10 Milward Brown customer loyalty seminar SI; 2006.9 SI of “2006 Best Business Leader” ceremony; 2006.8 Interpreter of “Caribbean Countries Trade Promotion Seminar” held by Ministry of Commerce; 2006.8 Interpreter of B&G in laundry market; 2006.8 SI of Nigeria Business and Trade mission to China; 2006.7 SI of Puerto Rico Business mission to China promotion activity held by CCPIT; 2006.4 MC&SI of Degussa High Performance Polymer in Jinlin province base opening ceremony; 2006.4 SI of Sony company training program; 2006.4 SI of London in China “Mutual investment conference” 2006.2.22 SI of Sun International conference promotion activity; 2005.12 Interpreter of Gemini Wireless Telecommunication company;; 2005.12 SI of Rolls-Royce press conference; 2005.11.18 Interpreter for “China-Australia FTA Mining Seminar”; 2005.10 SI of TNS company IT/Telecommunication seminar; 2005.10 Interpreter of “World Manager” Magazine interviews; 2005.8 Interpreter of Degussa press conference in Beijing; 2005.5 Interpreter of China Youth Media business negociation; 2005.2 SI of IKEA conference with suppliers; 2002.10 Interpreter of Amicale Textile Industries JV projects in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province; 2003.11 Interpreter of Fenner Group car-used belt conference; 3 International Seminars on Technology and Industry 2007.3 SI of Sino-Dutch Program “New Village and Renewable Energy International Conference”; 2007.3 SI of IIC(International Integrated Circuit) in Beijing; 2007.3 SI of China Natural Gas Company’s meeting with institutional investor; 2007.2 SI of UGS Asia Pacific technology and sale annual meeting; 2007.1 Interpreter of Air Engine Project of China National Airspace Energy Bureau; 2006.12 Houston University MBA courses interpreter; 2006.11 HP internal staff training courses SI; 2006.11 SI for Medical equipment and drug testing seminar held by Ministry of Health and Abbot company; 2006.11 IDC IT Architecture Forum 2006-Service-Oriented Architecture and Virtualization Technology SI; 2006.10 SI of SIMENS China Tendency Development Forum; 2006.10 SI of French TOTAL Petrochemical Company conference; 2006.10 SI of the 4th China International Internet Culture Summit; 2006.10 SI of Peugeot 2006 launching press and Dealer Network Conference; 2006.10 SI of the 4th Aircraft Conversion and Maintenance Conference; 2006.9 SI of IXIS Financial Investment Analysis Summit(Telecommunication and Semiconductor); 2006.9 SI of Redhat 2006 Open Source Software(Beijing and Guangzhou Roadshow); 2006.9 SI of EU-China AEDE Projects in China; 2006.9 SI of 2006 International Power Supply Conference; 2006.9 SI of GASEX2006; 2006.8 SI of Beijing Olympic Committee’s meeting with US Maryland Technology Mission; 2006.8 SI of Media Interview with A.O.Smith CEO; 2006.8 SI of “2006 Open Source China, Open Source World”, international conference on OSS; 2006.6 SI of Architecture 3-D Co-design international seminar; 2006.5 Interpreter of Continental Company vehicle tyre producers conference in China; 2006.5 Interpreter of railway signal delivery conference; 2006.5 SI of 2006 international Ferroalloy conference; 2006.5 SI of mine safety conference of ILO in Geneva; 2006.5 SI of CIMG(China International Mine Group) environment seminar; 2006.3.30 SI of China air-conditioning technology and environment responsibility seminar; 2005.11.8-9 SI of UNDP/GEF/NOA “Biodiversity Management in Coastal Area of China’s South Sea”(BMCACSS) launching ceremony and first conference; 2005.10 SI of Shanghai 2005 International Textile Exhibition; 2005.8 SI of China Silicon International Conference; 2005.5 SI of International Ferroalloy Conference; 4 International Seminars 2007.5 SI of CIGE(China International Gallery Exhibition) “New Media” Forum; 2007.1 SI of Oklahoma President’s visit to China; 2007.1 SI of “Success Psychology” of Harvard University human resource courses; 2007.1 Interpreter of Greenpeace Anti-Whaling project; 2006.12 Peking University Medical Department Bird Flu research translator; 2006.12 Held by Embassy of Netherlands, Volume Magazine Issue Zero press conference; 2006.11-12 2006 15th Qatar Doha Asian Games press conference and venue interpreter; 2006.11 “China Police and Criminal Procedure Reform” seminar interpreter, held by Ministry of Public Security and British-China Cultural Center; 2006.11 “For Our Green Splendor” project initiation and press conference SI; 2006.11 The 1st McDonald “Hot Hamburger” competition SI; 2006.10 SI of CBS Outdoor Business Negociation; 2006.10 SI of Milward Brown Customer Loyalty Market Seminar; 2006.10 SI of China-African Cooperation Forum; 2006.10 SI of the 2nd Women, Sports and Culture forum; 2006.10 SI of “International Future 500 Forum”; 2006.10 SI of the 14th World Productivity Congress; 2006.9 SI of China Business Leader Awards ceremony; 2006.8 SI of Creativity and Innovation seminar; 2006.8 SI of China GE rice and ecosystem international seminar; 2006.8 SI of Linux annual meeting in Beijing; 2006.7 SI of Sino Ore Exploration technology seminar; 2006.6 SI of US Potato Union Excellent Promotion activity and marketing conference; 2006.5 SI of China self-brand and middle and small enterprise development strategy seminar; 2006.5 SI of “China Villager Self-governance International Seminar” of EU training program; 2005.7 SI of International Academic Seminar of Universities; 2005.7 SI of Peking University BiMBA and West Point Academy seminar; 2006.3.9 SI of APRU and China High Education Forum; 2005.11.17 SI of Conference on Open Education in Peking University; 2005.11.16-17 SI of Beijing Forum: History sub-forum; 2005.11.9 Interpreter of Beijing Graduate Employment Guiding Center; 2004.8 Interpreter of International Miss Kite Final; 2004.7 Interpreter for Feld Entertainment Co. Ltd, “Disney on Ice” world-wide tour in Beijing Stop; 2004.6 Interpreter for Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet tour performance in Beijing; 2004.5 Interpreter for Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra and famous conductor Fedoseyev; 2004.4 Interpreter in CPAA (China Performance Abroad Agency) and interpreter for Broadway Webber’s musical Cats in China; 2004.3 Interpreter for American biggest textile group (Amicale Industries Co.Ltd); 2003.10 Interpreter for the 5th Zhongguancun Computer Festival; 1999.8 Exchange student to Denmark as middle school representative from Beijing;